Tuesday, August 26, 2008

kids corner boosters

Well I'm the Kids Corner Booster Club President that's the boys school in case you didn't know anyways I'm so new at this and only decide to do it cause know one else would and the teachers wouldn't stop bugging me about it so i said yes so I'm on a big learning curve and I'm enjoying it and i like being involved it gives me something to do but the old president who is suppose to teach me everything is so rude and expects me to just know how to do everything and has a big fat attitude all the time when I'm trying my best to do everything right and good the only time i goof up its cause i didn't know about something and she gags at me like i should know when shes the one suppose to be teaching me pppssshhh...... i don't understand why people have to be so ugly it hurts my feelings i would not be acting like that to someone its so mean i keep thinking i catch her on a bad day or something but that's just how she is and I'm gonna to have deal with it or tell her to cut it out so we'll see what happens its just annoying and she makes things harder and stressful ! GGGGRRRRR!!!!!

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