Thursday, August 28, 2008

Whatever Me Venting !

Well i am not happy with how today has been going first 2 of my kids had out of control POOP weirdness !

Than my kids have all been acting like they're a bunch of crazy people totally out of control today its been killing me !

Also my house is just as crazy as the kids are being and I'm in such a bad mood i don't feel like cleaning but i have to

sorry about my negative blog I'm posting i just had to say something ! AAAHHHHHHH!!!! But the day isn't over yet so hopefully things will get better I'm just so happy to know that me and Ruben are going on a date tomorrow and going to the TEMPLE so thats a GOOD thing!

1 comment:

KRISTIE said...

i am sorry you are having a terrible day, i have them all the time too. hopefully the poop will stop and they will nap and you can have 'me time'